In-Studio Enrolment Form STUDENT DETAILS * First Name Last Name Nickname (If Applicable) Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Gender * Male Female Non-Binary Other Prefer not to say Preferred Lesson Type * EOI - Musical Foundation Program (Ages 5-7) Group Lessons (Ages 8+) Private Tuition (1 on 1) Preferred Instrument * Expression of Interest - Musical Foundations (All Instruments) Piano/Keyboard Guitar Drums Singing / Vocals Bass Guitar Ukelele Preferred Lesson Times * Before School Hours During Class Times During Lunch Time / Recess After School Hours Preferred Lesson Day *Please note that availability of your preferred lesson day is subject to teacher availability Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (Piano Only) Special Requests or Considerations PRIMARY PARENT / CAREGIVER / CUSTOMER DETAILS * First Name Last Name Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * Email * How did you hear about us? * Word of Mouth Online Search (e.g. Google, Bing) Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) Advertisement (e.g., Online Ad, Billboard) A Friend or Family Member School Event or Performance Community Event or Fair Other Apollo's Terms & Conditions * I Agree to Apollo Music Academy's Terms & Conditions Thank you for submitting your enrolment form. We will contact you shortly via email!